Friday, December 24, 2010

Wedding Diet Begins...after the holidays

Good Day Readers!

I first wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I have been baking so much lately, and I feel enjoying a bit to much of my sweet creations. I have been eating at restaurants and eating dessert more than I would like to. I decide that after the holidays, (it would be nearly impossible for me because I will be baking until New Year's Eve *gasp*). Instead of calling it a diet, how about healthy eating plan, or a nutritious plan! A diet sounds too impersonal and grueling. Diets also are temporary eating plans.

With all the work I have been doing (grad school prep, wedding, internships, work, etc.) it has been tough to stick to a health eating and exercise routine. During the summers, I am very good with that. I am always active during that time, which keeps me in shape. Also I do not bake as often during the summers; I am usually grilling or cooking and preparing wraps, fruit salads and small plates. Below includes a personalized plan I developed to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle, just in time for my wedding. It is not just about preparing for the wedding, rather it is something I would like to stick to.

My personal goals:
  • limit dessert to small portions twice a week
  • elminate sweet drinks (sweet teas)
  • have water when on the go
  • do NOT order dessert out
  • exercise 3-4 days a week (Taebo, running, fast walking with weights)
  • yoga/pilates 2 days a week
  • have plenty of fruit and vegetables in the house
  • limit cheese intake (I LOVE cheese)
  • no pastries (donuts, muffins)
I would say dessert is my main satisfaction. If I did not eat dessert ever, I would be super skinny!
Cinch! Book Review

Cinch! Book cover
 Want to lose weight after the holiday season indulgence? Cinch! is a 30-day weight loss program that you might be really interested in trying. Cinch! was created by Cynthia Sass, the creator and co-author of the New York Times Bestselling Flat Belly Diet. Cinch! will help you stop overeating, increase metabolism, and burn fat!

The program begins with the 5-Day Fast Forward, which includes eating simple foods that will assist you in detoxing from the not-so-healthy food you have been eating. This phase could help you lose up to 8 pounds in the first week! The remaining 25 days consists of eating high-protein foods that will help boost your metabolism and burn fat.

I will be using Cinch! to help me maintain a healthy weight and boost my weight loss and healthy eating routine. I received the book from One2One Network. Read more about Cinch! and order you own copy here. It will be on sale December 28. Be sure to follow Cynthia Sass on Twitter and Facebook as well.


  1. Wishing you GREAT healthy eating.... I think you have a wonderful plan to lose the weight you want....

  2. Best of luck! I'm thinking I may have to follow the same plan.
    I'm a new follower from Friday Blog Hop!

  3. I, too, will be dieting. Thanks for linking up to Join Us in 2011 blog hop. I have been following you for some time.

    Amy at Harvest For Tomorrow


I love reading your comments! Questions are always welcome too!


Restaurants, personal diet and healthy eating, recipes, gourmet foods, animals, books, personal fashion, travel and my steps in life along the way!