Dear Friends,
Wednesday, January 16 at 2PM, Univision’s Lourdes Stephen will host
Spanish-language “Virtual Workshop” for
Look Good Feel Better®. LGF is a program dedicated to boosting cancer patients’ self-esteem and confidence through lessons on how to manage the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment .
The event will be streaming live here. You may register in advance for the event at this site.
Ms. Stephen will be joined by beauty experts Lilly Rivera, makeup artist, and Petra Belen, hair stylist and Louanne Roark, Look Good Feel Better Executive Director, who will offer instruction, tips and advice – tailored to Latina women - for dealing with hair loss, changes in skin, complexion and nails during your cancer treatment, taken straight from the live LGFB community based group workshop program. Register now for this
virtual seminar.
LGFB also offers free workshops and educational resources that address skin changes and concerns, and offers lessons on cosmetics, wigs, turbans, nail care, and accessories, and wardrobe styling. Workshops are facilitated by 14,000 volunteer beauty professionals in more than 3,000 locations nationwide.
During the past 23 years, the program has served more than 800,000 people with cancer in the U.S. and more than 1.2 million people with cancer around the world. The program is made possible in the U.S. through a collaboration of the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, the American Cancer Society, and the Professional Beauty Association.
* 59,200 Latinas will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in 2012.
* 1 in 3 Latinas will be diagnosed with cancer in her lifetime.
* Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Latinas, followed by colorectal cancer and thyroid cancer.
* Even though Latinas have lower breast cancer rates than white women, they are more likely than whites to be diagnosed at a later stage, when the cancer is more advanced and harder to treat.
* According to a recent survey, one-third of women with cancer said that their altered -appearance during treatment negatively impacted relationships with their friends, their spouse and their kids
* 37% of women in the same survey said that they avoided leaving the house because of the way that they looked during cancer treatment.

Please spread the word about this amazing program. Telling someone you know about this program now or in the future could certainly be a breath of fresh air for them. Sometimes it is very difficult to have confidence or to feel beautiful when you are going through chemo or certain side effects of cancer. This eye-opening seminar and workshops that are offered will certainly be very helpful and comforting.
Please register for the virtual seminar that will be held on January 16. Or, go to the site and learn how it can help you or someone you know. Tell your friends and family as well!
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One winner will win a beautiful, limited edition Oscar De La Renta scarf.
Mandatory entries:
(1) entry: Follow my blog publicly Google Friend Connect and tell me how you have raised awareness of cancer. BE SURE TO LEAVE ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS!
(1) entry: Register your email address to get more info about LGFB over at: http://redsocialww.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=14e50c66160cf480879c0ead4&id=d416bee2a2&e=0eed7dec03
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