Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Cupcake Save" Tip

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Recently, my family and I made RED VELVET CUPCAKES with CREAM CHEESE FROSTING for an event.  Our tuperware was either to small or was being used at the time, so we thought of a way of how to transport and keep the cupcakes at home without sloppimg up the icing.  We wanted them to look AND taste good. :-)  Remember the small umbrellas that would accompany certain beverages such as a Strawberry Daquiri or Mai Tai?  We thought of another use for those umbrellas...

Red Velvet Cupcakes

To prevent the icing from sticking to the saran wrap, we used these decorative umbrellas to create a tent-like cover over the cupcakes!  It was much more convenient to store them this way.  The cupcakes stayed fresh for up to three days.  Depending on the size, use one or two umbrellas and stick them in the center of the cupcakes and gently place the saran wrap over the cupcakes and umbrella, cover tightly on the bottom of the plate. 

Red Velvet Cupcakes


  1. What a genius idea, I love it! I've used toothpicks for this in the past, but umbrellas are so much more practical. You could probably even do a whole array in a "beach scene" or something and maintain the umbrella's after unwrapping the cupcakes as part of the overall look. Thumbs up on a really clever solution, and thank you for sharing!

    Rachel @

  2. great idea! I too had always used toothpicks -this is so much better. -but have to ask; with such yummy you really have any leftover??


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